Paragraph 3. Having heard the learned counsel on both sides, we find that whatever be the background of the case, it cannot be so acrimonious so as to deny the right of the father to see his daughter. Therefore, we direct the respondent to produce the child in the Family Court, Thiruvananthapuram, on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 11.00 AM and permit the child to interact with the father upto 01.00 PM. It will be open to the grand parents also to be present along with the father.
Manoj Anslem Rebeiro vs Candace Elizebath Rebeiro CIVIL APPEAL No. 4983 of 2016 SC

- Post published:December 29, 2021
- Post category:Custody
- Post comments:0 Comments
- Post last modified:December 29, 2021
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