Alienating father and using child as weapon , Harassing Husband Publicly, Portraying Him as ‘Womanizer’ Extreme Cruelty: Delhi High Court Upholds Divorce

Neeta Amar Vs Vipul Amar as on 20 December 2023, Delhi HC In the case of Prabin Gopal v. Meghna, 2021 SCC OnLine Ker 2193 in a similar situation, the…

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Allahabad HC : Upholds Ex-party Divorce degree passed on Wife’s continued absence , Says Natural Justice can’t be used to defeat End of Justice

Jyoti Verma Vs Prashant kumar verma, Allahabad High Court as on 20 November 2023 Court Dismisses Appeal: Upholds Order on Condonation of Delay and Ex Parte Decree In a significant…

Continue ReadingAllahabad HC : Upholds Ex-party Divorce degree passed on Wife’s continued absence , Says Natural Justice can’t be used to defeat End of Justice